Global OutReach

We primarily partner with indigenous mission partners in the least reached areas of the world that are dedicated to church planting and community development.


We’re a community development organization giving people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community. We respect families and communities as active participants in their own development, not passive recipients.

We strive to train, equip and empower local residents, leaders, pastors and organizations to lift each other out of physical, spiritual and emotional poverty.

We concentrate our efforts on long-term sustainable solutions.

We have been traveling to Rocky Point as a church since 1994 to build homes in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. Our annual Rocky Point mission teams join families to build 4 to 6 homes a year providing a safe, healthy and warm place to live and grow.


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We’re a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty.

Pantano has helped launch two Compassion centers in Playas, Ecuador (2015) & Santa Rosa, Ecuador (2021). We are proud that Pantano's partnership with Compassion has resulted in nearly 700 children being sponsored over the years (with 307 currently being sponsored).

Our total support of these projects has been over $1.3 million!

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Unite 4 Africa mobilizes, unites, equips individuals, communities and organizations to transform themselves spiritually, socially, physically and economically bringing abundant life in Christ.

Okongo Samson founded Unite 4 Africa in 2003. After becoming a 501c3 in 2006, Pantano joined in as a partner and sent the first of many short term teams. Okongo has been a part of Pantano Christian Church for 16 years, and over the years Pantano has helped raise support for animals, for orphans, leadership development, and church construction.

Many of our overseas partners work together - mobilizing, equipping, and empowering people to advance the Kingdom!

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Heartbeat for Africa (HBA) is a faith-based, nonprofit foundation that exists to honor and join God in being a blessing to the people of rural Africa through community transformation with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty, disease, unemployment and hopelessness.

Partners with Christian-based, African non-profits that are involved in ministering to children who have been orphaned or rescued from human trafficking; agencies employing the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) strategy to promote development within communities using local talent and resources; and agencies providing medical services/clinics.

Heartbeat for Africa (HBA) begin as a faith vision given to the organization’s founder, Ed Harrow - a past Executive Director at Pantano. Following a third trip to Africa in 2006, Ed clearly felt God leading him to develop a non-profit foundation to reach out to individuals, churches and secular organizations to make a difference in the lives of people in Ghana and throughout West Africa. In October 2006, Heartbeat for Africa became a reality as a 501(c)3 organization incorporated in the state of Arizona.


Formerly EBC, Sarvoday is a network of domestic Indian Kingdom agencies that are multiplying Jesus' followers and transforming communities throughout the northern states. It was founded and is led by Sevanand (pseudonym), who employs multiple strategies reaching and transforming communities. These programs include CHE (Community Health Evangelism), DMM (Disciple Making Movements), and MED (Micro-Enterprise Development).

Pantano became acquainted with Sevanand when he was being mentored with BORN. Later Sevanand formed EBC. With a focus on Disciple Making Movement, and Community Health Evangelism (CHE), Sevanand’s mission was a good fit with Pantano’s vision for global outreach.

As a result, an amazing partnership was formed. While on short term team trips, we have seen leaders trained and excited about CHE and villages that were resistant welcome CHE, (especially the Women’s Cycle of Life trainings). Over the years, we have seen villagers begin receiving the Gospel and many home worship groups established.


VisionSynergy helps Christian organizations work together for maximum impact by developing and strengthening strategic ministry networks and partnerships in critical areas of world mission. We play a unique role in the worldwide Christian movement as one of the few mission service organizations specifically dedicated to empowering ministry collaboration.

David Thoresen, Pantano's former missions pastor and long-time member, is the Senior Director of Operations. Two Pantano global partners -- Chandan Sah, India, and Dwarika Shrestha, Nepal, serve as associates in the South Asia Region.

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Equips and trains indigenous, local and regional partner organizations worldwide to communicate the Scriptures using Oral Bible Strategies in order to evangelize, disciple and plant churches among unreached people groups. “Every Tribe, Tongue and Nation” hearing the gospel helps to reach the lost, unreached and unengaged.

Pantano has partnered with Scriptures in Use (SIU), based in Green Valley, since 1989, encouraging field partners to use the orality strategy developed by SIU founders Jim and Carla Bowman. This strategy trains national pastors and church planters how to memorize and to share Bible stories in their mother tongue language and their culture’s oral arts — stories, songs, dramas, poems, etc. This strategy is essential in parts of the world where most people don’t read. But even if they can read their hearts are transformed when they hear the Bible passages and engage in discussion with the storytellers. Currently several of the SIU staff and their families attend Pantano including SIU CEO Keith Keifer; Susie Brown, SIU's Regional Director of Bridges for Women for South and South East Asia, and her husband, Tim Brown, Orality/Network Consultant and Coach. Isabell Kennedy is the chairman of the SIU board of directors.

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Tavriski Christian Institute (TCI) trains and equips indigenous Christian leaders in Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Pastor Glen Elliott helped start the school in 1997. It was the first state accredited school for Christian ministry in Ukraine.

TCI provides high-quality formal and informal training for local pastors and church leaders, recognizing the vital role this training plays in developing holistic ministry and spreading the Gospel in these regions.

The original campus in the city of Kherson was destroyed in the war so TCI had to relocate to western Ukraine. It is currently looking for a new permanent location. TCI has also been active in providing humanitarian aid to people near the front lines of the war as well as serving internally displaced Ukrainians. The war has created a need to fill over 500 pastoral vacancies in Ukraine. The need for TCI has never been greater.

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Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program that is being used by hundreds of Christian churches and organizations across the globe. CHE equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.

The Global CHE Network is an association of people and organizations using the strategy of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) to serve impoverished communities in urban and rural settings around the world.

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The Africa Internship Center in Aveyime, Ghana trains ministry leaders in structured CHE sessions throughout the year. The center is also a home and skills training opportunities for orphaned youth and provides a family style upbringing for the kids who are too old to attend traditional African orphanages.

Since 2008, Pantano has partnered with Dayo Obaweya, Medical Ambassadors International's (MAI's) Regional Coordinator for West Africa and Chairman of the Global Community Health Evangelism (CHE) Network, in supporting the Africa Internship Center in Ghana. The center is a training center for ministry leaders and serves as a home and school for orphaned youth in the region.

The children are taught the CHE principles and receive training in agriculture, livestock, water harvesting, sewing and mechanical trades so they can re‐enter a community with the skills to earn a living and share their knowledge.

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GO Ministries empowers local leaders to make disciples as God redeems people, renews communities and restores creation through mutual transformation.

Everything Go Ministries – making disciples, empowering pastors and church planters, starting new churches – is rooted in a three-fold approach to discipleship: mentorship, mission and multiplication.

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The Razos exist in Berlin, Germany to see the Gospel go forth, to create spaces of connection and creativity with God, and to love on the lost. Their primary work is centered around seeing artists healed, activated, and empowered to see change in their communities and contexts. Their focus is both in Berlin and Europe with an emphasis on youth and unreached people groups. 

They are passionate about individuals coming to know their identity in Christ and being found in Him. They believe this happens within the context of community, fueled by intimacy with Jesus. In a creative capital city they believe artists are paramount in painting a prophetic picture of the kingdom of God. Centrally located in the heart of Berlin, they have seen the city as a key player in global development and impact, ripe for the harvest and ready to be a missional catalyst. 

If you would like to connect with the Razos -

Zach and Keslie Hamilto
Zach and Kelsie were previously missionaries overseas with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), but now serve with Cru at the University of Arizona. They have a big heart for international students from every country, and have a vision that everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus. The Hamiltons have a two year old boy and another baby boy due at the end of July. Please pray that God will continue to renew the hearts and minds of students both inside and yet to encounter the ministry, and to grow the many students that have already accepted Christ in the last few years! If you would like to connect with the Hamiltons -

Outreach Team

What makes the outreach of Pantano so amazing? It’s because of the incredible Difference Makers and their passion for serving others. From supporting our schools to serving through our many local partners, our outreach ministry has a positive impact on the community and beyond. The selflessness and generosity of our Pantano family never ceases to amaze us!

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Mission Trips

Local and global trips

Benjamin Hill, Mexico Two Day Mission Trip – January 11-12

Imuris, Mexico One Day Mission Trip – January 25

Imuris, Mexico One Day Mission Trip – December 7

Dominican Republic Short Term Mission Trip

Imuris, Mexico One Day Mission Trip – November 23

Rocky Point 2024


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