Why and How To Lead A Group

Why Become A Group Leader?

Group Leaders are important in the Kingdom of God. Jesus commanded us to “Go and Make Disciples of all Nations” (Matt 28:19). As a Group Leader at Pantano, you have an opportunity to disciple the people with whom God has entrusted you. As you share your life, God will naturally give you opportunities to share with and strengthen the faith of those in your group. As group members connect with each other and their neighbors through love, encouragement and living transparent lives, they are able to disciple each other and ultimately bring Christ to the world, one neighborhood or community at a time.

How To Become A Group Leader

It's easy! Simply fill out the form below:

Group Leader Expectations:

Thank you for wanting to lead people by loving them to Jesus. Being a group leader is an awesome opportunity for you to help others grow in their discipleship. Below are a couple asks that we require from our Group leaders.

  • - Attend service on a regular basis
  • - A Pantano background check
  • - Attend one of our New Group Leader Training - offered several times per year
  • - Attend our bi-annual Group Leader Training
  • - Meet together as a Group on a regular basis and submit attendance through Church Center
  • - Actively oversee the discipling and spiritual growth of your Group members
  • - Be in communication with our Pantano Discipleship Team
  • - If lead, invite your ONE to your Group
  • - Register for Discover Pantano

We are excited that you filled out our Group Leader form. We'll be connecting with you soon to get your new Group up and running.

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