Jesus again says that “You have heard the law that says.” This time it is the law that says love your neighbor and hate your enemy. However, Jesus says love your neighbor and pray for your enemy. If we spend more time praying than hating…the world would be a better place.

Jesus says in the sermon on the mount “you have heard the law that says”. He talks about the law of a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. Yet, what he never says is to overthrow or go rebellious in a negative way towards the law, but to resist the urge […]

While one of the most taken out of context scriptures, it does tell us that we as individuals are being selected by God and he is going to spoil us extravagantly. This text is written to an exiled people and while the sentiments we have created are nice…they are not for our context.

This is not a promise that Christians will have superpowers or that they will be invincible or immune to life’s challenges. Instead, the promise of Philippians 4:13 is that we will have strength from the Lord to faithfully endure the difficulties that arise in life.

Burn The Ship of Living. We have lived most of our lives thinking we aren’t gifted enough, have enough time, enough resources, etc to help people see Jesus. Jesus calls us to leave all behind to follow him.

Burn The Ships of Giving. You think you don’t have enough to give. How can I give out of nothing? God says test me in this and watch me provide.

The only way our “neighbors” hear about Jesus is if we will rub elbows with those that need Jesus.

If we are going to be able to transform and be more like Jesus, we have to be more committed to being in and doing life with other people.

When we understand our commitment to Christ, we can’t help but be committed to the church and her mission.

We live in a world where people are experiencing hell on earth. However, Jesus says “on earth as it is in heaven.”

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