Luke 2, focus on the announcement of Christ’s birth from God’s heavenly host, the army of angels who have been battling the powers of darkness all along, and because of his birth so many years ago, we have hope! Back to Revelation 12:17, after Jesus defeated Satan, the dragon went off to “make war against […]

Isaiah 9:2; the 400 “silent years” between the OT and NT when Alexander the Great was wreaking havoc; John 1:1-5; A well-worn adage from the 1600s declares that it’s always the darkest just before the dawn. Christmas is a celebration of light: Lights are strung everywhere both indoors and out. If you’ve ever wondered why, […]

Genesis 3, Genesis 3:15 is the first announcement of the Gospel message, the prediction of Christ’s victory over Satan; Garden of Eden and Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus vs. Satan all throughout his ministry, temptations of Christ; Open with the clip from Passion of the Christ where Christ crushes the serpent in the Garden of Gethsemane— […]

Revelation 12, The woman represents God’s people; we think back to a number of times in the Bible where the enemies of God tried to kill babies and thwart God’s plans, Jesus comes to earth to “rule the nations”; and just as Satan and his minions tried to rebel against God in Heaven, he continues […]

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