For years this text has been used to thwart people defacing the body. But it goes so much deeper than that. You are not your own means God purchased you and now possesses ownership of your body. We were once slaves to sin and death, but Jesus “gave his life to free us from every […]

For years this text has been used to thwart people defacing the body. But it goes so much deeper than that. You are not your own means God purchased you and now possesses ownership of your body. We were once slaves to sin and death, but Jesus “gave his life to free us from every […]

This is not a promise that Christians will have superpowers or that they will be invincible or immune to life’s challenges. Instead, the promise of Philippians 4:13 is that we will have strength from the Lord to faithfully endure the difficulties that arise in life.

Burn The Ship of Living. We have lived most of our lives thinking we aren’t gifted enough, have enough time, enough resources, etc to help people see Jesus. Jesus calls us to leave all behind to follow him.

Burn The Ships of Giving. You think you don’t have enough to give. How can I give out of nothing? God says test me in this and watch me provide.

Burn the ships of serving. We have sometimes felt we are not worthy to serve. We have bought the lie that Jesus would not want to use us because of our past and present.

The only way our “neighbors” hear about Jesus is if we will rub elbows with those that need Jesus.

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