
We love people to Jesus and launch passionate difference makers to change the world.


Woman to Woman – July

You are invited to be a part of the monthly Woman to Woman Potluck and Fellowship! We meet on the last Monday of the month. We have a special guest speaker or activity each month along with a potluck dinner, prayer & fellowship. This is a great way for all women at Pantano Christian Church to connect with other women. All ages are welcome!

Speaker: Rosy Felix Jester “Golden Bowls of Incense”

Menu: Hotdog Night

Woman to Woman is providing hotdogs and buns. Please bring toppings, side dishes or desserts.

Please note: This event is for women only and not suitable for children.

Ghana, Africa Mission Trip

Heartbeat for Africa (HBA), one of Pantano’s International partners, will be traveling to Ghana to facilitate Community Health Evangelism lessons with West African Christian leaders (HBA will provide the training) and working with children rescued from human trafficking and currently living at the City of Refuge Ministry’s Children Village.

The trip dates are tentatively scheduled for August 1 – August 18, 2024 but may fluctuate a day or two depending on airline flights. The approximate cost of the trip, including airfare, is $2,500 – $3,000.

Global Leadership Summit

The Global Leadership Summit—the premier leadership event of the year—brings you and your team a two-day catalytic experience of rich learning, new ideas, fresh perspective, and inspiring stories from leading experts spanning a wide range of fields and backgrounds.


The 6th Annual Reclaiming Hope is a conference for anyone who works or serves with people. Whether you help others by serving in education, social services, as a first responder, in the faith community, or anywhere else, understanding trauma and its effects allows you to bring more hope, healing, and tools to your work and community.

Financial Planning Ministry Seminar

Our ministry partner, Financial Planning Ministry, will be online to present their end-of-life planning resources and answer any questions you may have about setting up your living trust.

Chris & Leah Stokes FPM Testimonial Video

Who is Financial Planning Ministry?

Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) is a unique nonprofit partnership of ministries dedicated to providing individuals and families with a path to sound biblical stewardship through their estate plans. Their 90-minute presentations provide clear and accurate information that cuts through the misinformation and helps you avoid unnecessary and costly mistakes in securing your loved one’s future.

Rocky Point 2024

Rocky Point is a short-term mission trip to Rocky Point, Mexico where we partner with 1Mission and the local community to build homes. This is an opportunity for you to love people to Jesus, globally.


Chaplain Training

Get the Chaplain training and skills needed to answer your call to serve.

International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) training helps individuals gain the Chaplain credentials and skills to provide relief in crisis. The purpose of IFOC is to establish and maintain a workable and beneficial relationship between the Secular and Religious sectors of society for the purpose of ministry in the workplace, and the education & training of a professional workforce in the area of Chaplaincy.


Pantano MomCo (formerly MOPS) is a grassroots movement that believes moms are world influencers. We believe that incubating hearts and giving just-because-hugs can change the course of history. We connect all moms to a community of women who meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. We rally women to be more honest, to feel more equipped and to find their identity by journeying along-side one another. We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world. Pantano MomCo is open to all moms, not just moms of Pantano Christian Church and we’d love to have you join us!

Membership fee is $37


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